User Comments - Victor Novikov
Victor Novikov
Posted on: SKRITTER!!!
August 16, 2009, 08:09 AMyingxiong, "Innovative Chinese character input." is one of new Mac OSX Snow Leopard features.
chris, yes! So do I... and I wish cpod had such a good dictionary...
Posted on: Earlier and Later than Expected: 才and 就
August 15, 2009, 08:21 PMGreat lesson.Arrived right when it was needed. :)
What about these sentences? are they correct?
1. 他今年才学会游泳。(他不会参加比赛,by the way is it 会or 能? I should see if cpod has "请问" on modal verbs...)
2. 我等他打来电话等了一上午,他十三点才打来。
PS I didn't find any lessons on any kind of verb complement(complement of location or destination/ result/). Are there any?
Posted on: Earlier and Later than Expected: 才and 就
August 16, 2009, 08:17 AMchangye, thanks a lot!